Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Catching Up With SSF

Quick Update: Well...hello there.

So, maybe (or maybe not) you figured out I have been away from Blogger and Twitter for...oh, say nearly three weeks? There is a reason. I assure you.

In short, I am a student witohout internet access at home. My female parental in Tucson (who I visited for the summer) had broadband, so of course I took advantage of that. Now that I am back in my actual town for school, I have to figure out a way to either get on the computers here at school, or go to the town's only public library to catch up with my awesome writer friends. You guys.

So, right now I happen to be on a school computer (shhhh) since I had to type up a World Literature essay anyways. In the past two/three weeks, I haven't done much, unless watching five hours STRAIGHT of Buffy the Vampire Slayer last Saturday, and waking up on time on week-day mornings counts as accomplishments.

However, I'm delighted to say my usual writing time, during class notes (another shhhh) has been brought back to me. In the past fortnight or so, I have not only written two fight scenes and a sorrowful death, but blog posts are cooking up as well. Heck, I might even enter the Writers Digest Short Story Contest for the first time this year.

I'm hoping next week or so, I'll post an entry on conflict, plot, and characters, so you can try to look for that. My English/World Literature class is covering the basics before we move onto the Odyssey. Sadly, my class NEEDS a re-cap on everything. Proof of such: three girls who sit around me in class were freaking out about the grammar bellwork. Quotes from their conversation... "What are prepositions again?" "Don't you mean pro-junctions?" I felt like slapping somebody when I heard that.

Also, since I'm in a Web Design class an elective now, hopefully I'll be able to, er, fix this website. My teacher was not happy when he saw how many colors it had. Which is true, but I just worked what Blogger had, I guess.

Thanks for reading, and I'm hoping no one is TOO upset with me. And again, I say goodbye for now (unless I can get on again this week? Maybe? Perhaps?) and apologize with...LOLcatz.

1 comment:

  1. My roommate was watching Buffy and Angel on a regular basis for a few months (streaming Netflix).
    Good luck with your classes and with the web site. Blogger lets you change colors for every single aspect of the pages--I believe you just need to click on "design" on your Blogger page, and then click on "template designer." It's a lot of fun to mess with the colors.
    Here's a good page on web site colors:
    And a cool site for finding good combinations of colors to use:
