Wednesday, February 23, 2011

So Many Questions!

Quick Update: Decided to start torturing myself - even though there are 30-second previews of every song on my favorite musicians’ new CD (on shelves in two weeks) I’m only allowing myself to listen to one. Don’t want to ruin it. :) Wish me good luck!

Song Stuck In My Head: Sweet Child o’ Mine by Guns N’ Roses (it’s becoming one of my favorite songs, for no reason whatsoever).

Note: This post is mainly inspired by the fact my favorite band, Sick Puppies, is hosting a live chat tomorrow (well, tonight when you're reading this, since this is all being typed Tuesday night) on their Facebook, and since I might find a way to the local college library to participate, I’ve been searching my head for every question one could ask the most amazing three-piece alternative rock band alive.

As writers, there’s a definite chance that one day in our lives we’re going to meet a well-known author. Either through the industry, through a email conversation telling them how much they rule, or even something small like a book signing we get to attend. However, the chances that we’ll get to meet the writers we call idols, I.E the godly J.K Rowling, are so depressingly slim.

Which sucks. Because the greats are the ones who have the most knowledge to offer us, aren’t they? How did they become cult classics? Icons? Go from slightly disturbed, hallucinating storytellers like us to critically acclaimed, artistic geniuses? And…ow.

(Sorry, we’re experimenting technical difficulties. Kitten totally just clawed me in the face. Ow, ow, OW.)

Anyways, ignoring the burn above my lip, let’s get to the meat of the matter.


To J.K Rowling, writer of…well, DUH.

Does Hogwarts exist? I’ll file out a transfer form NOW, I don’t care if I have to move to England, I can tolerate the accents and slang terms. I mean, uh, how about “How do you go about your world-building? People like you and Tolkien have to have a system for this, tips on how to flesh out a story until ending it feels like destroying a whole entire world.”

To L.J Smith, author of the Night World series as well as the original Vampire Diaries books (love Night World , but Vampire Diaries TV show is more tolerable than the books).

“Only one question, really. Do you miss teenage fantasy horror as much as I do? Well, okay, two questions. Can you get me Ian Somerhalder’s home address? Please?”

To Scott Westerfeld, writer of the kickass dystopian Uglies trilogy.

“Where do your awesome, futuristic ideas come from? And how the hell do you keep concepts like teenagers born at midnight having superpowers (Midnighters series) and a one-track minded government (Uglies trilogy) from being so far from corny? Is there a trick to giving everything a touch of personality and passion that keeps it so un-corny?”

To Sarah Dessen, teenage-chick-lit writer extraordinaire (okay, technically, I’ve only read one of her books, but I know the general idea of the rest).

“Does Lifetime and ABC Family even know about you? Haven’t they fought over the rights to every one of your books? Wait, don’t answer that. How about…how do you manage to keep your writing in one genre? Is it possible for writers to do that anymore, to keep themselves fresh yet never stray from whatever genre they love the most? I mean, this is a super-crazy world we live in. One day you go from writing about vampires, to writing about aliens, and now you’re talking mermaids and stuff like that. Speaking of which…..”

To Stephenie Meyer, a.k.a Middle-aged-Bella-Swan. Er, I mean author of Twilight.

“HOW!? No offense against the series, it’s entertaining no matter how you look at it, but HOW did you get a book agented when said book only existed for six months? Can one write a publishable book in six months? Did you even get to edit it yourself? I’m so confused….”

Those are the YA writers I can think of off the top of my head. It’s sorta late, so my imagination isn’t the most reliable thing in the world right now. And I’m still recovering from Cat Scratch Fever, haha.

And you know it’s coming, but what about you guys? Any questions you would love to ask a writer otherwise untouchable? It doesn’t have to be just YA authors, like my list. Any published author will do!

Okay, that’s it for now. Expect a Rec of the Week post Friday, most likely on the movie “Zombieland”. Which rules, by the way.

(And as a last note, did I get the song “Cat Scratch Fever” stuck in anyone’s head in the other paragraph? *evil grin*)



  1. well, I would like to ask Stephen King how he talks a normal person. I know that has nothing to do with his writing, but when I read his introductions and forewards, he always talks so nicely, not at all high and mighty or snobby. The best so far was when I read the intro to "The Gunslinger", when he talked about young people and what he was like when he was young. it's too funny and true.
    oh and the writer of Gossip Girl...her name's something like Cecily von Ziegarsar or something...I would ask how she managed to make the teens in her books so freaking realistic.
    Sorry for this long and unorganized comment, :)
    take care, hope you get to talk to your band member people....

  2. @LBH At this point, Stephen King could talk like the most pompous person alive, and people would still love him. xD Good point. I've never read the Gossip Girl books though...I have an on-off relationship with the TV show though, so I kinda know what you mean.

    Oh, and it's okay that it's long and unorganized! I always am anyways! xD
